Residents of Melrose indicated that they are ready to update the city’s identity. Modern cities have robust brands that help communicate their identity and message, and Melrose could certainly benefit from branding as it looks to welcome new residents
and a diversity of new viewpoints. A community as vibrant and engaged as Melrose deserves to have its identity refined and visually developed, as it is locally regarded as a Victorian gem north of Boston.
Recommendations for identity include:
• Develop a refreshed identity for the City of Melrose to support and reflect the city’s diversifying population
• Update the City’s typography, color palette, visual elements, and tagline to support a successful adaptation of the newly developed identity
• Use this updated identity as a platform to promote Melrose for being a welcoming place(“One Community, Open to All”)
Melrose is creative community of movers and shakers. Taking inspiration from the decorative arts of the victorian era, the past and present are woven together into a modern and memorable mark for a new citywide public art program, Melrose Makes.